Rules I Live By
Every single day, there are rules I practice. If I don’t practice these rules, I deflate. Not totally, but enough to motivate me to stick to them. Here they are:
– I write daily. Even if it’s one paragraph. Because one paragraph can turn into one hundred words, or a thousand or more. Soon a story may be happily born. This daily practice nurtures a sense of accomplishment. Even a small dose of daily accomplishment does wonders for the soul.
– I make it a practice to donate any personal item that doesn’t elicit a sense of contentment in me, be it a tee-shirt, a book, a piece of furniture. Surrounding myself with things that make me happy is a must. Plus, it gives me the chance to pass on my former joy to someone else, which may give them joy, which in turn gives me newfound joy. What a wonderful possibility!
– A great sage once said, “There is no more liberating action than sincerely to give people kindness in return for unkindness.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda.
I’ve tried this on many occasions. I don’t know how it made the other person(s) feel, but it gave me an instant lift. Isn’t there enough unkindness floating around in the world? We may never
realize the impact of our own good actions, but isn’t it worth taking the chance? Most importantly, it helps the doer let go of any negative emotions lingering from the unkind experience.
– Practice gratitude. Whether I’m outside of my house walking or in my room, writing or cooking or cleaning or anything at all, I often pause to note my blessings.
I was in Costco last week, waiting for a representative to check on an item for me. While waiting, I looked around and felt gratitude well up in my heart. Grateful for being there at that time, for having the opportunity to buy items I needed, for all the pleasant people around me and on and on and on. Before I knew it, my feet weren’t touching the ground.
These are just a few of the rules, but they play a monumental role in my inner peace and well being.