Category: News

The Two-Minute Interview - Author Katie O'Sullivan

I’m very pleased to welcome author Katie O’Sullivan today to talk about her latest romance novel, CRAZY ABOUT YOU.

Who are you? Tell us about Katie O’Sullivan.

Katie: I live on Cape Cod with three teenagers, a husband, and large demanding dogs who weigh more than I do, but follow me around the house like small whiny children. Actually, my oldest is off at college and my middle child is in college-search mode right now. Part of me looks forward to the upcoming empty nest, and another part of me dreads it. So, typical mom stuff, plus I just started a new part-time job, easing my way back into the 9-5 work force in addition to writing, editing, and various volunteer positions.

Yikes! Three teens and big dogs make completing a book a bit of a challenge. Yet you managed to do so beautifully. What’s your book about?

Katie: The story centers on a driven scientist focused on saving the world, and an impetuous woman who’s trying to live life to the fullest without getting emotionally involved. Both of them need to learn to trust others, with their hearts and with their lives, in order to find their happily ever afters.

I’m a big fan of happily ever afters and big moments. When is the moment that matters most in your book?

Katie: Like the tag line on the front of the book says, “…it’s the dead body that changes everything.”

I love that! Where is the setting?

Katie: Provincetown, Massachusetts, which is at the outermost tip of Cape Cod.

How did you come to write this book?

Katie: Would you believe, an environmental article in Scientific American captured my attention and made me want to learn more about the climate scientists who study our oceans. From there my imagination took over wondering about their personal lives and loves, and how they balance their passion for the environment with family and friends.

It’s incredible where the germ of an idea can start. Which character is your favorite?

Katie: My favorite character in the story is Chase Anderson, the hero, because he undergoes the biggest transformations during the course of the story, starting off as totally work-focused and learning how to lighten up and let others into his life. But I also think I had the most fun writing Tony Lenzi’s character, which was the one that changed the most from first draft to the final book. He was totally one-dimensional without motivation in early drafts until he found his voice and “told me” what was really going on.

I really enjoy watching a character grow. Why would readers want to read your book?

Katie: Ooh, I’m kinda bad at self-promotion, but I also feel I’ve written a fun, fast-paced read where the characters are engaging and the story has enough little twists to keep you turning pages. Also, the environmental issues I’ve written about are all real and important, and I feel like having them sprinkled into a romance novel helps people learn about ideas like these in a non-threatening way. Climate change is scary, but it’s part of our current reality.

Thank you, Katie. It sounds like a fun, intelligent read! That’s the way I like my romance novels.

About Katie O’Sullivan:
Katie O’Sullivan lives with her family and big dogs on Cape Cod, drinking way too much coffee and inventing new excuses not to dust. Living next to the Atlantic influences everything she writes, including her YA series about the mermaids who live near her beach. A recovering English major, she earned her degree at Colgate University and now writes romance and adventure for young adults, and something steamier for the young at heart.

Buy Links for CRAZY ABOUT YOU:
Barnes & Noble
The Wild Rose Press

One Writer's Slip-ups

We all slip-up once in a while by either saying or doing something we wish we hadn’t. This is nothing to be ashamed of. I say this, recalling that when I was a neophyte attorney, I once asked a seasoned lawyer an irregular question. The mere recollection of my query still makes me wince; it was idiotic of me. Don’t ask me to repeat it because I won’t. (However, rest assured, that for a small fee, I may be convinced).

The more we speak and act without thinking, the greater the risk of a slip-up. Sometimes, words or situations escape our grasp. We may be distracted, tired, naive (as in the case of my own wayward question) or otherwise mentally distraught, causing us to act uncharacteristically.

Words and actions depict us (and in our writing, they depict our characters), furnishing the elements of our personalities and dictating the direction of situations. These same words and actions can also deform us, if not properly presented. I experienced a near miss recently while volunteering at the library. I was placed in charge of tracing missing books, a task for which I seemed to have an uncanny knack. The head librarian patted me on the back because I’d located books they’d been seeking for weeks. I became known as the Book Hunter.

Soon after, I found yet another missing tome, and then did something that could have smirched my reputation. I put the book down somewhere and found myself a victim of ROA (Rapid Onset Amnesia). I retraced my steps (or what I thought could have been my steps), and thankfully, the matter of my idiocy remained private; I’d inadvertently shelved the book while pausing to skim a few paragraphs of another. I emerged untarnished.

In our writing life, however, these slip-ups make for interesting situations. For twists and turns. In my Book Two that I’m currently working on, my heroine leaves something incriminating behind at a crime scene because she was distracted. To make things worse, the discriminating item doesn’t even belong to her, but belongs to her best friend. Slip-ups in real life don’t work so well. In the writing life, they are a necessity.

A Writer's Love Affair

I’ve had several love affairs in my writing life. I’ve carried a torch for the semi-colon, for little used words and old books, and for fine writing tools that inspire beautiful penmanship, fast fading into a lost art. But my long-standing affair has been with the public library. It’s my haven, my safe house, my desert island, my escape hatch – shelves lined with books brimming with conversations waiting to be had, lessons to be learned, and friends eager to be discovered.

My family had immigrated to the United States just before I was born, so when I started school, English tiptoed around in my vocabulary. In the beginning, reading was non-existent, but my classroom had a small library, a treasure chest of picture books, which became a magnet for my attention. My first favorite was filled with bold, somewhat terrifying drawings that lifted the imagination to soaring heights. Could I, a small person, command an army of large monsters? Of course I could. Every time I opened Where the Wild Things Are. I didn’t have a magic wand, but I learned all about the power of drawing in Harold and the Magic Crayon.

By the time I exhausted the school library, my English had sprung to life, and I found a teacher who fanned my newly discovered passion. She pointed me to the nearest public library. A book lover’s paradise. From that time on, I became a regular, a follower of all public libraries. Many a kindly librarian pointed me to books that entranced and happily consumed me. I blame my addiction to libraries for my myopic vision. For my preference to view things up close and personal. To understand and make sense before moving to the next step. For creating and expanding my imagination. For making my world a wondrous one.