Adding Mother to a Mystery

Did you know that seven out of ten Americans call Mom their best friend? Sixty-three percent referred to their Mom as a superhero. I don’t need statistics to know that my own mother falls into the category of bestie and Wonder Woman, but my heroine, Corrie Locke, didn’t quite feel the same way… until her mom made her way into my latest release, Gambling with Murder.

At first, I wasn’t sure how big of a role Mom would play in this installment. Should she help Corrie and sidekick Veera get a foot in the door of a ritzy retirement community and then disappear? After all, Mom’s case cracking skillset was an unknown. She’s an excellent cook and a fashionista, but what else has she got going for her?

Apparently, Mom had quite a few things going for her, as Corrie (and I) discover. The best part? Mom was determined to help solve the case, have a good time and enjoy quality moments with her daughter while solving a mystery. How many mothers can do that? I’m betting on most. Moms are full of surprises and are almost always up for an adventure.

When children or anyone we hold dear need our help, most of us dive right in. Corrie’s mom was no exception. She held her own despite lacking experience, and persisted in getting the job done without missing a lavish buffet or croquet match.

In honor of mothers everywhere, I’ve listed below a few ideas for Mother’s Day gifts (and I know most would agree that Mother’s Day should not be once a year, but should be held on a regular basis to show gratitude to those angels on earth that we hold close to our hearts). Keep in mind that sometimes moms come in the form of dads, friends, neighbors, aunties, grammies, step parents and anyone that is loving, kind, caring, thoughtful and creates a void when they are absent.

            GIFT IDEAS:

  • Homemade or personalized gifts (one of my favorites to make was a custom scrapbook for my mom, grandma and aunty).
  • Chocolate or other edible gifts (like making a basket filled with Mom’s fave treats)
  • Gift cards/certificates (a gift card to Mom’s favorite place to shop or eat never fails)
  • A mani/pedi for Mommy and Me (that was fun!). 
  • Flowers (plants are preferred by me and my mother)
  • Clothing/shoes (another fave)
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2 years ago

Thank you Lida, you always help me and give me ideas,That is why I read your blog. I love your new book, How do you come with these Ideas?

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