Overcoming Rejection
I was recently rejected after an interview. Being of a resilient nature, I did what any semi-intelligent reject would do: changed my identity. But not without permission, of course.
It started when I’d filled out a four-page online adoption questionnaire. Canine adoption, that is, from a dog rescue group. I had one dog already; I decided it was time for another as our Aussie Shepherd, Rio, seemed lonely.
The adoption questions started out as standard fare, such as: “Do you have other pets?” and “Will you take your new dog for walks?”
But then they started getting a tad tricky with questions like, “Where will your new dog sleep?”
I answered that Rio sleeps wherever he likes. Sometimes inside, sometimes outdoors. The same will hold true for our new addition. This resulted in my immediate rejection.
Unbeknownst to me, dogs from this rescue organization were not permitted to sleep outside, meaning anywhere not contained within the four walls of what was deemed human living quarters. I sent an e-mail explaining that we leave it up to Rio to decide where to sleep. Sometimes he prefers to nestle down in my son’s bedroom and other times, he prefers to sleep outside. I received a response, asking me to define “outside.”
I explained, “Under the stars on the cool grass ‘neath the sweet-scented Magnolia tree, or in his fashionable, igloo style dog house.”
I received no further communication. I tried again, “If my new canine friend prefers to sleep inside, she is more than welcome.” “My bed is large and cozy.” “We live on fully fenced land, perfect for frolicking animals.” “I’m a good dog owner, I am!”
I was blackballed by the Dog Rescue Organization. I called my mother.
“Do you want to adopt a dog?” I asked.
“Not really.”
“Do you mind if I borrow your name and address and pretend to be you adopting a dog?”
“Go right ahead, dear.”
Using my mother’s email address, I again filled out a questionnaire. This time I was successful because nowhere did I use the frowned upon “O” word. I was granted a personal interview.
Please do not think for a moment that I have a penchant for impersonating my mother. I merely felt I had been grossly misunderstood, and Mom was the only one who would allow me to borrow her identity, no strings attached. Once at Rescue Headquarters, I was going to fess up.
When Rio and I arrived, (his presence was required so he could have a say in picking his new buddy), a nice, exhausted looking young man named Kevin helped us. He never asked my name, merely wanting to know if I’d completed the online questionnaire. Then he picked out a candidate to take for a walk with Rio and me. I said,
“I’m not sure if I’d make a good dog parent. There are things I need to explain.”
Kevin responded, “I can tell by the way you treat Rio that you’ll be very good.”
Four dogs later, we hadn’t found the right fit. I had to reject the first one since the enthusiastic creature excelled in knocking me flat on my back; the next one gave Rio the evil eye; Rio displayed an exceptional loathing for the third one; and the last pooch kept mistaking Kevin for a fire hydrant.
When Kevin went inside to change his pants, another representative came over to me. She narrowed her eyes and said, “I’ve been watching you.”
“Then…you know?”
“Should I leave?”
“You wait right there!” She went back into the shelter.
They’d figured it out. They were probably in a group huddle, deciding what to do with me. Rio looked at me as if to say, “Let’s make a run for it.” But I couldn’t. I had to state my case and face the consequences.
The woman returned. At the end of her leash was a very sweet, young German Shepherd. Rio made no objections. I said,
“About the application…”
“I’m glad you reminded me. Will you take two dogs?”
Just another reminder of the power of persistence. You’ll be glad to know I never borrowed my mom’s identity again. And we found a wonderful new canine friend.