Writers' Conference: Survival

I love writers’ conferences! It’s more thrilling for me than any Disneyland ride. Sweeter than a piece of rich coconut cake laced with sweet custard, headier than a trip to the moon! I get to enjoy the company of other authors and readers; I’m surrounded by piles of books, and an all around splendid group of people. It is a complete and utter pleasure for me. However…it also wears me out. Especially if I’m an active participant, (a part I LOVE to play!).

How to survive with one’s energy and mental state intact? I once observed how golfer Tiger Woods conserved energy during a golf tournament. Playing eighteen holes isn’t easy, no matter your strength or expertise. Between the holes, he walked slowly, deliberately, completely unaware of his surroundings, the onlookers, or other golfers. His sole focus, on the course, appeared to be getting the ball to the hole, while using the least amount of energy.

Conference or any high energy outing tips:

– Taking it slow, and thoughtfully, is a must.

– Carve out quiet time. Find a space to zone out in (preferably alone), to give the mind and body a break. A catnap would be ideal, but for yours truly that’s like turning a somersault from one trapeze to another, mid-air. It ain’t gonna happen. If the mind refuses to go quiet, find a calming diversion. Take advantage of nature if possible and go outdoors. Take a walk away from the festivities and breathe. Breathing long and slow works wonders.

– Don’t forget to eat and drink and be merry! At my most recent stint, I sat behind a table at an author fair…and forgot to eat. I was swooning from hunger and was in no mood for chitchat. I transform into the Incredible Hulk when hungry. Fortunately, for all, my wonderful husband brought me food and water, and all was right again with the world. The burger and fries were possibly the best I’d ever had, and turned me back into my mild mannered self. It’s also vital to stop to enjoy the moment now and then. I paused several times to appreciate where I was. Exactly where I wanted to be. :)

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8 years ago

Hello Lida. i always check your blog, because I don’t want to miss any of them. I love reading them. Thank you.

Keith D E Walker
Keith D E Walker
8 years ago


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