Writing: Self Motivation
Sometimes, I don’t feel like writing. But if I don’t, I feel lousy, dejected, and dissatisfied. Not writing is not an option. Instead, I take a few minutes to find sources of motivation.
One simple means is picturing myself after I’m done – what a feeling of accomplishment! Plus, I’ll have time to read, garden, and do just plain nothing if I want to. If visualization doesn’t do the trick, I’ll read from the pages of one of my favorite authors. That usually ignites a fire beneath me, making me jump up and get started on my own writing. I love the power of words to create images and page-turning stories. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll hunt down stories of really big authors and how they wrote some of their greatest stories in conditions that were less than favorable.
Take Robert Louis Stevenson, for instance. He wrote Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde one sleepless night when he was suffering from advanced tuberculosis. In his aggrieved state, he wrote the book in three days! How is that even possible?
Unhappy with the first draft, he ripped it apart, literally, and rewrote the whole shebang, again in his ill state, in three more days. That’s 64,000 words in six days. I have to pause right there because even in my well state, I can barely imagine writing as he did. Mr. Stevenson wrote more than 10,000 words…a day. Most writers consider one – two thousands words per day an accomplishment. At my best, I wrote 2500 words a day for two days to complete my first short story. I do know that at least that much is possible by yours truly.
What Robert Louis Stevenson showed us is that:
All we need to do is try. These days, when I sit restless in my chair, and distractions are shouting out my name, I think of Robert Louis Steven and stay put. Thank you, Mr. Stevenson for showing us what we’re capable of accomplishing.